maandag 10 augustus 2009


I'll spare you the million more picture we took in Toky YO! Instead i'll give you a short impression of the stuff we did over there. We did loads more, this is just the stuff that was suitable to post (I mean, it's a work related blog after all).
So amazing. 360 degrees of buildings and people. What a city. 30 million people live here. I mean: 16 million people live in the whole of the Netherlands.
Jacob and I had fried shrimp. It was good. I like eating at the bar like that. Come to think of it. I have an overall fondness for bars.
I forgot the name of the most famous temple in Tokyo, but here we were. We drew our fortunes from those metal boxes. I drew "small fortune", which basically means that I'm small time now, but I end up BIG. It's written in the stars. Just so you know.
After karaoke we ended up in probably not the best bar in Tokyo. There were some Egyptians. Two hookers. And us. The beer was good tho.
Karaoke was off the hook. We went into this nine story karaoke castle. The place wasn't that special. We made it special. They litterally heard us eight floors down. Ok. Maybe I'm exagerrating. But we we're proud to be loud.
You've probably seen this side of Tokyo in the movies. So did I. And now we were there. Crazy.
Caprice looks lost. He was. We all were. We asked for directions in a bar. We never left. Tokyo is like that.
Electric City Tokyo. I was having diner some place else. You can't be at two places at once. But that would be convenient.
Everybody makes this shot. I've seen it a million times before. But now I'm in it! See me? 23d asian dude from the upperleft corner.
My guess this is tuna. But I didn't really care. We didn't sleep. It was 7.00 in the morning. Let's not discuss fish.I'm intrigued by squid. I don't know why. I can tell you this taste's funny on your sushi roll. Wanna see a couple of tall dutch people crammed into a taxi cab. There you go. The point is WE WERE IN TOKYO. This is just your avarage "the party in club NUTS ended" pic. Where's this club Nuts I mentioned? You know where. Hey Naoki, good luck with stashing that 2.10 m dude in the broom closet. Thanks for a great dinner. Next time we'll not do that directly after sweating like an ox in the batting cage.
I bought some overpriced stuff at this museum. It was at the 52nd floor of the Mori tower. Yes I was impressed.

This is how people tend to look after a good night clubbing, not sleeping and having sushi for breakfast (the freshest sushi in the world that is, but it's hard to appreciate that fully when the hangover is about to set it).

And did I mention we had fun? Ow, you got that impression already. Then my work here is done.

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